Rowling 2024 - 2025

Miss Riley


Welcome to Rowling Class Page. I hope you find this page useful. Rowling class is led by Miss Riley and supported by Miss McDonald. This half-term, our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday but all children should have their kits in school with them all week.

Year 5 children are set for English and Maths. These sets are taught by the Year 5 teachers (Miss Riley and Mr Curtis).

Homework is set on a Tuesday and is due the following Tuesday. Homework is an important way for children to embed the learning they have been undertaking in class. Spellings are set weekly on Spelling Shed and a weekly homework will be set.

We have lots of learning planned for the Spring term- please see our topic lists below. You will also find our current knowledge organisers as downloadable links.

Science: Living things and their habitats
Geography: Rivers
PE: Dance and Football
Computing: Mars Rover
RE:  What difference does the resurrection make to Christians? 
Music:  Composing and Chords
French: La nourriture
PSHE: Living in the Wider World
DT: Pizza making
Please keep your eyes peeled with latest updates on our class blog tab. 
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Miss Riley Miss McDonald

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