Cowell 2024 - 2025

Miss Harding


Welcome to Cowell Class Page. I hope you find this page useful! Cowell class is led by Miss Harding, and is supported by Mrs Fernandes and Miss Marshall.

Year 3 children are set for English and Maths. These sets are taught by the Year 3 teachers (Miss Harding, Mrs Rooney, Miss Kingston and Miss Cole).

Spelling homework is set on a Monday and is due the following Monday. Maths homework is set on Thursday and is due the following Thursday. Homework is an important way for children to embed the learning they have been undertaking in class. Spellings are set weekly on Spelling Shed and maths homework is set weekly on MyMaths. We also expect the children to read their reading scheme book at home (at least 4 times a week) and record this in their home/school diary. Please ensure that your child has their home/school diary in their bag every day so we can keep track of their reading. 

Children should also aim to complete three pieces of Nando's homework per half term. Children will be sent home with paper copies of the termly Nando's homework in addition to the downloadable copy below.

Our PE days this half term are on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure children have their PE kits in school at all times.

We have lots of learning planned for the autumn term. Please see our topic lists below. You will also find our current knowledge organisers as downloadable links.


Science: Forces and Magnets 

History: The Ancient Egyptians

PE: Football/Dance 

Art/DT: Paul Klee/Primary colours 

Computing: Scratch/Journey inside a computer 

RE: How do people express commitment to a religion/worldview in different ways? What is the Trinity? 

 Writing Down Music

Unit 2 - En classe! Classroom instructions 

Living in the wider world 


Please click here to see our Curriculum Map for the year.

Please keep your eyes peeled with latest updates on our class blog tab. 


L Harding(1).JPG S Fernandes 2(1).jpg J Marshall.JPG
Miss Harding Mrs Fernandes Miss Marshall



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