Tolkien Class Update
Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 4:08pm
The weeks are just flying by in Year 5. I cannot believe that we are already half weay through the academic year. We have had another busy week in Tolkien Class.
The children have finished writing and published their biographies about Michael Sue from Kensuke's Kingdom. It was great to read their published work and see how they included all of the features that they learnt over the course of our two week unit. In maths, we have been looking at statistcs, specifically line graphs and tables throughout the week. The children brilliantly followed the steps to success and were all accurate with the answers.
In science this week, we moved on to looking at the life cycles of mammals, amphibains, insects and birds. The children amazed and engrossed in the lesson and asked many scientific questions about the life cycles of butterflies, frogs, ducks and chickens. This lead of nicely to our science day where many of the children used their learning to create a brilliant presentation about our science day topic of 'Change and Adapt'. We spent Thursday morning focusing on birds, looking at their beaks and the conducted a practical experiement using a range of equipment to determine which beak would be the best and collecting different objects.
The children also got the opportunity to present their homework to the class on Thursday afternoon. It was great to see the effort that they put into their presentations. A huge well done to Sreehas for coming 1st place and special mentions to Alice and Monty who came 2nd and 3rd respectively.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Curtis