Lewis Class 06.10.2023

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:22pm

What another incredible week in Lewis Class this week!

This week, the children have been working extremely hard in English where they have been writing persuasive letters as Paddington to Aunt Lucy. All of the children were able to use persuasive techniques and all thought carefully about how they could include the 'Steps to Success.'


This afternoon, in science, we were looking at how solids can change state when heated or cooled. Throughout the afternoon, we completed a number of investigations which enabled us to see how solids can turn to liquids and how liquids can turn to solids. During one of our investigations, we heated chocolate to see how long it would take it to fully melt and used a thermometer to find out its melting temperature. All of the children worked brilliantly within the lesson and we had lots of fantastic discussions!

Well done to our 'POTW' Bella for her wonderful attitude to learning!


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Kingston