Lewis Class 02.02.2024
Date: 11th Feb 2024 @ 4:15pm
What another fantastic week in Lewis Class!
This week, in English, the children have been writing a persuasive speech to the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. All of the children have been working extremely hard on using persuasive language, rhetorical questions and a range of sentence structures in order to persuade the Queen.
In PSHE, we looked at how our choices can impact the environment. During the lesson, we discussed what climate change was and how it is having an impact on the world. We then expanded on this further by discussing what we can do to combat climate change.
In Computing, we looked at what variables are and how they are used in Scratch. We then explored how they could be used to create a times tables game using code. All of the children were successful in creating the start of their times tables game which they will be building on over the next few lessons.
In History, we continued our Roman topic by looking at how our local area has been influenced by the Romans. We had lots of fantastic discussions about how things changed after the Roman Empire and how this has led to some of the things we have today such as roads.
Well done to our ‘Pupil of the Week’ Areebah for her hard work and determination so far this year and for always striving to achieve her best – keep up the phenomenal work Areebah!