Dahl Class Update 24.01.25

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 7:47am

Well done on another brilliant week! 

This week, we continued looking at the Romans and identified the difference between Roman roads in 40AD and how they compare to nowadays. The children created excellent exhibition boards that could be featured in a museum! As well as this, we finished writing our messages in a bottle to any survivors of the disaster after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. The children used emotive language and show not tell to really get the reader to understand the emotions we as survivors were experiencing. It was lovely to read such gripping and emotional messages! 

In science, we looked at how the pitch in different musical instruments could be made and thought about how we could create these sounds from wind, percussion and string instruments! They were also able to ask inquisitive questions about what they would like to find out about. For example: Does the size of the instrument affect the pitch of the sound?

Spelling Bee this week has been postponed and will be rescheduled for another time. We will keep the children informed of this. Finally, on Times Table Rockstars there is a year group competition in progress! Dahl vs Lewis! If you have any spare time, please log on and play so that our points can increase and hopefully beat Lewis Class! 

Well done to our Pupil of the Week Connie. She has had an outstanding week and really showcased her understanding in all of her lessons. Her handwriting has improved hugely and I have been able to award lots of presentation stars! 

Have a lovely weekend Dahl Class.

Mrs Canty :)